
About Us

I've been fortunate to enjoy our float streams now for some 60 years. I grew up on small streams as a child wading and fishing for anything I could catch. Streams became my passion and have been float fishing ever since. There are very few streams in the hills of Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma that I've not fished and am always looking for a new stretch of float water to fish. It's the Smallmouth bass that's my favorite fish to pursue. And, this is my invitation for you to join me in an adventure on the river. I have clients that I've fished with for 20 years or more, now. They keep coming back and I think the reason is "we have fun" and we usually catch fish. Most of my existing clients will tell you that they have caught their biggest bass while fishing in the front of my big canoe. I take a lot of "two man" float trips. I'm often guiding a "couple of buddies" that have known one another for a lifetime. We pack a lunch, tell stories, take pictures and enjoy the solitude of an Ozark stream. Many of my clients are also father/son, or grandpa/grandson float trips. I do my best to fit the customer to the float trip they want to enjoy..

What's in it for me? A reasonable fee and the chance to make a new friend or two. What's in it for you? Well, you've seen the photos and read my "articles" so you should have a reasonable idea of what to expect, and it's really up to you to catch and land a fish. I'll help though since I've done this a few times. I always take lots of photos. And, not least, we will see the prettiest and most remote parts of the Ozarks. I'll custom the trip to fit you and have canoes in several different sizes should you bring along a friend or that son that will grown and gone before you know it. We'll go over the logistics and the price involved for a day on the water should we be able to arrange a time to go.

I have fished in about every way that you can imagine in these Ozark hills of ours. Out there on near every lake you can name and a few you can not, farm ponds, bayou's and the list continues. However, give me the choice and I'll say the very best of fishing is to have a big Smallmouth fighting me tooth and nail, on some remote stretch of clear stream, in plain sight, right under my canoe. Even if it's only a 14 inch fish I will marvel at it's strength, it's beauty and when it goes airborne as much as two and three feet in an attempt to throw my lure, I can only marvel. That recipe simply multiplies if it's a 16 inch fish. If it's an 18 I lean toward wanting to do emotional cartwheels. What then, when it's a twenty or a twenty-two? Trust me, the image of a 24 incher that my son lost some years back, clearing water within a few feet of the canoe, is indelibly etched in my mind. My son's comment at the time? "Did you see that Smallmouth?" In truth, how could that image ever be forgotten?


Photos Taken
Miles Paddled
Fish Caught